Bohra Ganesh jiTemple in Udaipur
Temple Of Udaipur Bohra Ganeshji Temple
History-: Bohra Ganesh Temple is believed to be about 350 old years.Bohra Ganesh ji temple 350 years ago temple originally named as "BohraGanesh" is located in Mlsu Sent. Taresa School.
Every Wednesday is a vary popular day all this day many visitors visit to the temple for devotes.
Event 1.Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration- hindu festival which celebrate in honor of
lord Ganesh. this event auspicious at bohra Ganesh temple on this day temple is open from early morning to midnight.
Event 2. Annokoot Celebration>/strong> -After Celebration Diwali Goverdhan pooja
Annakoot Celebrated at BohraGanesh. on this day devotees offer "Chappan Bhog" to the deity at BohraGanesh ji temple.

- Note-
- There are tow elephants outside the big Ganesh ji. bohra is the spaical day of Ganesha every wednesday .
- The temple of bohra Ganesh ji is served on wednesday.
- Gold egg also soars at Bohra Ganesh temple
- In the temple of Boha Ganesh his name is processed every Wednesday and food is made.
- The prasad of Bohra Ganesh ji besan soars because he likes it.
- If you ask Ganesh for anything from the heart he is fulfilled.
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