Saas Bahu Temple in Udaipur

                 Saas Bahu Temple in Udaipur

About: Saas Bahu Temple is one of the most famous temples of Udaipur.

                 Saas Bahu Temple is the Temple is Situated at a distance of 23km from Udaipur at Naga Village Temple of Udaipur.
              The Original name of the temple is Sahasfra Bahu. As these temple were and buit for a mother in law and daughter in law therefore it was called Saas Bahu Temple Saas for mother in law in hindi and Bahu means Daughter in law.

    Note.    There for the kinf of Kachchawaha dynasty decided to bulid tow temples adjacent  to each other of each lord.
   There are two mean temple in the premises- Bahu is smaller Temple and Saas the large one.

  •  The vast  compus of the Sass Bahu temple is stretched.
  •  The Saas temple own an archway in the front space it is said that on important occasions the idol of Lord Vishnu was placed in and swung Temple of Udaipur

  • On the entrance door you can spot the idols of Goddess Saraswati, Lord Bhramha and Lord Vishnu.
  • Comments

    1. this blog is very usefull for temple information
      keen teams


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